Saturday, December 18, 2010


Chris doesn't like leftovers.  The only leftover that he is willing to eat is Pizza Hut.  I on the other hand, love leftovers.  Especially Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner leftovers.  So usually I make small meals where both of us are going to eat most of what I prepare, and maybe a few leftovers for me for the next day.  It works out pretty well.
I realized today that all dogs get to eat are leftovers!  And no, I'm not talking about people food, that is BAD, I'm talking about dog food!
My poor dogs have to eat the same thing every day!

What's for breakfast? Science Diet Large Breed, alright!
What's for lunch? Science Diet Large Breed..okay.  I'll go with it.
What's for dinner? Science Diet Large Breed.  Really?  Whatever. 
What's for breakfast?  Science Diet Large Breed.  Seriously? Didn't I have this yesterday?
What's for lunch?  Science Diet Large Breed.  You're joking, right?
What's for dinner?  Science Diet Large Breed.  You know what?  Its food.  I'm gonna eat it.

What's for breakfast? Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, alright!
What's for lunch? Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, alright!
What's for dinner? Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, alright!
What's for breakfast? Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, alright!
What's for lunch? Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, alright!
What's for dinner? Science Diet Large Breed Puppy, alright!

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