Friday, December 10, 2010

Bentley's Friday

Bentley had an interesting day today.

He got up really early, but didn't get any breakfast.
His mom took him to the pokey place where he gets poked by pokey things, where he expected everyone there to have his breakfast, since he did not yet get it.
He was then poked.  He was poked again.  He fell asleep.
When he woke up he felt all loopy.  A nice lady (who did not have his breakfast either) took him back to the other room to his mother.  (Who was not waiting with breakfast, as he thought she would be.)
Mom drove him back to a house where he decided to sleep in the bathroom for a couple of hours.
Then mom drove him for a long time back to home.
Then he fell asleep some more.

I had an interesting day today.

I got up really early, and couldn't feed Bentley breakfast because he was about to under go general anesthesia.
I drove him to the vet's office where I tearfully handed him off, signed a few papers, and tearfully drove off to my favoritest place in the whole world, Baker's Animal Boutique.  Lynn always makes me know how to feel better.
I couldn't take it anymore, and by lunchtime I called to check on him.  They told me everything had gone fine, he'd just woken up and I could come get him any time.
I quickly drove back to the vet's office and shelled out $166.00 to get Bentley back.
He came walking out a little loopy, looking for his breakfast, of course.
We went back to my parents house where I finished up my laundry while Bentley slept in the bathroom.  I'm still not sure why he chose to sleep there, but it was good for him to sleep off the effects of the anesthesia.
Once I finished my laundry, I gathered up the still-loopy Bentley and we drove back home.  When we got here, he fell asleep again. 
I still don't think he realizes his balls are missing.

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