Today as Chris and I stepped out with the Labbies for their evening walk, they were sporting something that got us a few weird looks....
You see, I live 'up north' where we get school off for opening day. You don't walk in the woods without orange on for months. People take it seriously.
So tonight, since it is Opening Day, I put a hunter orange vest and bandana on Lady and Bentley, respectively.
You shoulda seen the looks we got! People stared, laughed, giggled. "Stupid Rednecks" I could just hear them saying.
Yes, I realize I live in an 'urban' area. And that we walk in the suburbs. And that most people in the city don't hunt. But it's habit. Its safety.
No, I'm not worried that we're going to get shot on Broomfield. But I do worry that if (God forbid) one of them got away from us and ran into the woods, that they would have orange on and not get shot, since they happen to be a lovely shade of fawn.
So if you see me walking with two labs with hunter orange on, don't judge me. I'm a dog lover, damnit.
I don't judge you!! <3